What Does Snail Eggs Look Like – Identification Infographic Guide

What Does Snail Eggs Look Like – An Infographic For Identification Purposes Need to know what snail eggs look like? Need to identify some unknown eggs in your pond or aquarium you suspect might be snail eggs? This infographic guide will help you compare the eggs you have with the most common snail types in … Read more

11 Mystery Snail Fact’s You Didn’t Know

11 Mystery Snail Fact's You Didn't Know

Mystery snails are fascinating creatures. While one wouldn’t think that snails would be entertaining to watch, They exhibit many fascinating traits and personality that is at times hilarious, and at others, bizarre. So here are 10 interesting mystery snail facts you didn’t know you needed to know! 1. Mystery Snail Shell Growth 1) The shells … Read more

The Best Type of Aquarium Gravels For Snails

Best Substrate for Snails

It can be hard to figure out what the best substrate for your aquarium snails should be. There are so many options, and search engines are clogged with nonsense and, in many cases, Suspect information. This article will dive into what’s important to consider when choosing the right substrate for your snails, which type of … Read more

Tiny Snails In Fish Tank – The Snail HitchHiker

tiny snails in fish tank

One of the more common questions people ask when they discover tiny snails in their fish tank is “Where did these tiny snails come from?” The answer to this question starts with a little exploration into what these tiny creatures are and how they came to be. Many people that own fish tanks also have … Read more

Apple snail eggs, facts, and food

apple snail eggs

Apple snails make great and easy animals to care for. They live peacefully with most varieties of fish, they have no temperament and are completely passive, They help with algae cleanup and overall are very common to have. However, they aren’t perfect and have a few downsides you will need to know about. If your … Read more

Mystery Snails: Do They Need a Heater?

do mystery snails need a heater

Some people are convinced that they need a heater for their mystery snails. In this article, we will discuss whether or not you need to provide a heater for your mystery snails and the benefits of getting one if you do decide to get it. Do mystery snails need a heater? This is actually a … Read more

Ramshorn Snail Eggs: Things You Need To Know

Ramshorn Snail Eggs

Ramshorn snails are a type of freshwater snail that lays eggs in clusters. These eggs have a slimy coating and can be either white or light yellow depending on the species, but they all look alike. Ramhorns are most often brought up as feeder snail for other fish and snails (such as the assassin snail). … Read more

Assassin Snails: What Do They Eat Exactly?

what do assassin snails eat

Assassin snails are a type of freshwater snail that feeds on other aquatic creatures. They get their name from how they hunt for prey – by using the venom in their saliva to paralyze it. The assassin snail then uses its rasp-like tongue to scrape off the soft tissues and consume what is left. So, … Read more

Can Mystery Snails Eat Lettuce?

Can Mystery Snails Eat Lettuce?

Mystery snails can’t survive off random tank algae and leftover fish food forever. Although it’s the main part of their diet, These snails also require supplemental feeding of calcium-rich foods alongside such things as algae tablets. The variety of foods is also an important factor in keeping your snail happy and healthy, and lettuce is … Read more

How to Tell if Mystery Snail Eggs Are Fertile

How to Tell if Mystery Snail Eggs Are Fertile

Mystery snails are able to produce and lay infertile clutches of eggs if they haven’t mated. What makes this entire process more complicating is a snail may mate, and then only lay the eggs far into the future. Unlike many other snail species, a mystery snail can not reproduce asexually. So it’s always a guessing … Read more