About Us

My name is cmoarz (seymour) and I have been an aquarium hobbyist for more than 10 years. My other hobbies include cooking, food preservation and survival.

The goal of AG(aquariumgravel.com) is to help other hobbyists like myself deal with the most common and uncommon problems we face every day. If one of your aquariums has died, we wan’t to help you find out why and how to prevent it from happening again.

If you’ve got questions or problems, we want to help you get the answer your looking for and the right equipment to make your fish happy and healthy.

That’s always been the goal of AG, To help the people who visit, read, and comment and to make your life easier and your hobby more fun than ever.

So if you’ve got problems, we’ve got solutions.

We also have other hobbyists and experts alike who like to bring us content and topics so that we can deliver them to you, the reader, as promptly and information-dense as possible.

So you can always keep up with the latest aquarium trends, news and happenings around the world.