Why Is My Dojo Loach Floating And What To Do

Seeing your dojo loach that on a normal day is happily slithering around at the bottom of the tank, only to find that it’s now floating at the surface can be concerning. So when is it normal for a dojo loach to float, and when is it a cause for concern? And what other reasons … Read more

Do Zebra Loaches Hide? Yup, Here Is How to Help

Notice your zebra loach tends to shy away or outright hide most of the time? That’s pretty normal behavior actually, and in most cases, it’s perfectly fine. Here’s what you can do to help them feel more comfortable and when you should start to worry. Why do zebra loaches hide? It’s not just zebra loaches … Read more

Snails You Should Avoid Putting In Your Zebra Loach Tank

Will zebra loaches eat nerite snails? How about mystery snails or apple snails? It’s important to know what snails a loach will actually try to eat so you can plan accordingly with your snail choices and potential tank mates. Will zebra loaches eat nerite snails, Mystery snails, and Apple snails? In general, These snails are … Read more

Will Zebra Loaches Eat Cherry Shrimp, Can They Be Tank Mates?

Loaches are great little fish that can make a big difference in your aquarium. They are very active and will help keep the tank clean. Cherry shrimp are also great little creatures that can add some color and pizzazz to your aquarium. So, can these two be tank mates? The answer is yes! Zebra loaches … Read more

Why Is My Zebra Loach So Fat! Overweight Loach Causes

Fish can get fat for many reasons, especially in an aquarium tank setup. You may have noticed your zebra or yoyo loach has a bigger belly than usual or a distended stomach. This can be normal, but in some cases, your loach may have a serious problem. Since there are many reasons your loach may … Read more