Can Oscar Fish Choke on Food? Yes! Save Your Fish!

Oscars are pretty big fish with pretty big mouths, And they love to pack in as much food as they can. Sometimes they can get a little too enthusiastic and end up choking on their food. Luckily for them, it’s really rare that an oscar will choke to the point where he needs human intervention … Read more

Are Mollies Good for Cycling


There are two schools of thought regarding using mollies for cycling. Some people believe that mollies can help jump-start the cycling process, while others believe it’s cruel to use live fish in this way. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use mollies for cycling is a personal one. As a practical answer, yes … Read more

What Fish Will Eat Baby Mollies and Excess Fry?

What Fish Will Eat Baby Mollies and Excess Fry

Mollies love to breed and they are known to have a high survival rate for their fry, or baby fish. This is good news for those who want to maintain a molly population in their aquarium, but it can also be bad news if the aquarium is already overstocked. If you find yourself in a … Read more

Do Dalmation Mollies Change Color?

Do Dalmation Mollies Change Color

Dalmation mollies are so pretty with their black and white spots, but did you know that they can actually change color? Often times a dalmatian molly will start to change color as it comes to the age of maturity, which for a molly is around 6 to 8 weeks old. A dalmatian molly will usually turn … Read more

Are Mollies Good Feeder Fish, And Should You Breed Them?

Are Mollies Good Feeder Fish, And Should You Breed Them

Mollies have been used as feeder fish for other aquarium fish and some reptiles for many years. They are a good source of food for larger fish, and their small size makes them easy to care for. Their fry is great live food for much smaller fish and the adults are often used to supplement … Read more

Will Mollies Eat Ghost Shrimp?

Will Mollies Eat Ghost Shrimp

Wondering if you can keep your mollies and ghost shrimp together in the same aquarium without any issues? Well, there’s good news and bad news. The answer is yes, You can keep them together, the bad news is sometimes a molly will eat your ghost shrimp. So how can you keep them together without any … Read more

Why Is My Mollies Tail Bent and How To Treat It

Why Is My Mollies Tail Bent and How To Treat It

There are only a handful of things that can cause your molly’s tail to be bent. It might be a bit frightening to see a molly’s tail sagging or bending downwards, or in some cases, upwards, But most of the time it’s nothing to worry about. Here are the reasons this happens and what you … Read more

What to Do With Too Many Mollies

Picture of several molly fry

Mollies are prolific breeders and it is not uncommon for aquariums housing them to be overrun with fry in a short period of time. While some aquarists enjoy raising fry as a hobby, others find themselves with more mollies than they know what to do with. If you find yourself in this situation, there are … Read more

How Often Should You Feed Cory Catfish – Feeding Schedule

Looking up how often to feed cory catfish online will bring up many opinions, and most of them are ill-informed or outright wrong. How often to feed your corydoras catfish depends on a few factors, including the size of your fish and whether they are juvenile or adult fish, and how many you have in … Read more