Fish Swimming At Top Of Tank? Here’s How To Fix It

fish swimming at top of tank

Why are my fish swimming at the top of the tank? Even after a water change? The most common reason for this is the lack of dissolved oxygen in the water. When oxygen is low fish will go to the top of the tank to breathe. It’s easy to fix with a simple cheap oxygenator … Read more

Guppies Need Heaters, Heres Why

do guppies need a heater

You might or might not be shocked to hear guppies do in fact need a heater. At least, if you’re in a region that doesn’t have a high ambient temperature. With that said, for most of us, a heater is an important accessory for our guppies. But there are some things you should know… Guppies … Read more

Why Fish Chase Around Other Fish in an Aquarium

what does it mean when fish chase each other

There are many reasons why fish might be chasing each other around in your aquarium. Sometimes it means nothing and sometimes it’s a sign of trouble. In this blog post, we will help you diagnose the reason your fish are acting this way, and how to solve the problem. Why do fish chase each other … Read more

How to Save a Dying Fish: Comprehensive Instructions

how to save a dying fish

When your fish starts to show signs of distress, it’s important that you know how to quickly and effectively save a dying fish. This article will provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to do just that! If these steps are followed correctly, then your little friend may have a chance at survival. How to … Read more

Can Guppies Live with Angelfish? Yes! But…

Can Guppies Live with Angelfish

Can guppies live with angelfish? This is a question that many people ask themselves when they are trying to set up their home aquarium. The answer is yes, but there are some things you need to know before deciding on this type of setup. We will discuss the compatibility and care for these two types … Read more

Can Molly Fish Live with Goldfish?

Can Molly Fish Live with Goldfish?

Can Molly Fish Live with Goldfish? If you are considering adding a molly fish to your aquarium, the answer is no. The main reason being that despite their similarity in appearance, they are incompatible tank mates. Mollies need warmer temperatures and goldfish require colder water. Another issue is that mollies can be aggressive towards other … Read more

What Do Pleco Fish Eat?

What Do Pleco Fish Eat?

Plecostomus, commonly known as plecos, is a tropical fish species that originates from the Amazon river. Their natural habitat is South American countries like Brazil, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago. Plecos belong to the armored catfish family called Loricariidae, the largest catfish family. Diet of a Pleco Fish A total of over 150 species of … Read more

How To Breed And Care For Siamese Algae Eater Fish

How to breed Algae Eater Fish

If you are an aquarist, you may know by now that maintaining the aquarium free of algae is annoying and difficult. The algae are generally harmless, but no one wants to have a dirty aquarium. What is the easiest solution? A Siamese algae eater fish. These active and social fish will help you in keeping … Read more

Do Siamese Algae Eaters Eat Diatoms?

Do Siamese Algae Eaters Eat Diatoms

If you have a diatom issue in your tank, and your wondering if you should get Siamese algae eaters to take care of it, The answer is no. While the Siamese algae eaters will do wonders at cleaning up many types of hair algae and other algae, they don’t particularly care for diatoms. You may … Read more

Will Siamese Algae Eater Eat Shrimp?

Will Siamese Algae Eater Eat Shrimp?

Siamese algae eaters make a great addition to your aquarium’s cleanup crew. These guys will scarf down just about anything you wouldn’t want in your tank, like algae, As would indicate by their namesake. They eat more than just algae though, the thing’s like dead fish and insects will be no match for your slick … Read more