Storing water for aquarium use, How and Why?

Storing water for aquarium

Storing water for an aquarium is always a good idea. There are a lot of reasons why you would want to do that, Such as dechlorination, easy access, Temperature control, etc. Before you start storing water, there are some things you are going to need to consider before setting up a storage system. But first, … Read more

Melafix, side effects, Overdose and Uses

melafix side effects

Mealafix is a general antibiotic used to treat aquarium fish for various bacterial infections and bacterial growth. Although technically it isn’t an “antibiotic”, the main ingredient, Melaleuca, has antibacterial properties. 1.0% Melaleuca (Cajeput or ‘Tea Tree’ Oil) is in Melafix. Warning: Not to be confused with Melafix Pond which contains a whopping 5.0% Melaleuca. This … Read more

How to Make Aquarium Plant Fertilizer DIY Style

How to Make Aquarium Plant Fertilizer DIY Style

Aquarium plant fertilizer is an important part of fish tank setup, maintenance, and management when you are keeping live plants in your aquarium. Aquatic plants often can’t survive on fish waste alone and need a good aquarium fertilizer to promote strong growth and green leaves. Learning how to make aquarium plant fertilizer yourself will save … Read more

What Are Algae Wafers

What Are Algae Wafers

Algae is a type of aquatic plant that can be found in freshwater, brackish water, or saltwater. Algae wafers are a type of food that is produced by harvesting and processing algae mixed with various vegetable or protein-based fillers. Algae Wafers are a great source of nutrition that can be used to feed fish as … Read more

Do Algae Wafers Cause Ammonia Spikes?

Do Algae Wafers Cause Ammonia Spikes?

You might have noticed a coincidental ammonia spike as you started feeding your aquarium algae wafers.  The algae wafers are not directly responsible for this, But in a way, you could say they helped cause it. Algae wafers on their own to not produce any ammonia. Assuming they get eaten then the ammonia spike could … Read more