Do Dalmation Mollies Change Color?

Last Updated on June 27, 2022 by cmoarz

Dalmation mollies are so pretty with their black and white spots, but did you know that they can actually change color?

Often times a dalmatian molly will start to change color as it comes to the age of maturity, which for a molly is around 6 to 8 weeks old.

A dalmatian molly will usually turn a dark gray or even black color as it matures.

However, there are also some dalmatian mollies that will lighten in color as they age, usually becoming more of a white color with black spots.

So, if you’re wondering whether or not your dalmatian molly will change color, the answer is probably yes – just be prepared for either a darker or lighter shade!

Some breeds of dalmatian molly are less likely to have pronounced color changes than others.

For example, the Sailfin dalmatian molly is less likely to show any color changes as it ages.

If you’re interested in a dalmatian molly that will maintain its beautiful black and white coloration, then the Sailfin dalmatian molly is a good choice!

Otherwise, The Lyretail and balloon belly varieties are beautiful as well and will likely show some color changes as they age.

No matter what, your dalmatian molly will be a beautiful addition to your aquarium!

Is there anything you can do to prevent color changing?

Unfortunately not. This is a natural process that happens to dalmatian mollies as they age and is nothing to be concerned about.

However, if you are really attached to the color of your dalmatian molly, you can attempt to find a breeder who keeps good records of the colors of their fish.

This way, you can try to find a dalmatian molly that is from a line of fish that have not changed color as drastically or have only changed color slightly.

This of course is easier said than done in most cases, but it is something to keep in mind!

In conclusion, dalmatian mollies are beautiful fish that come in a wide variety of colors.

While the black and white coloration is the most well-known, you may find yourself with a dalmatian molly that has lightened or darkened in color as it has aged.

This is a natural process and as long as the fish is healthy, there is nothing to worry about!

Do you have a dalmatian molly that has changed color? Let us know in the comments below!


Owner of and also owner of actual Aquarium Gravel believe it or not! ;). Setting up beautiful aquarium sceneries and habitats since I was very young. Enjoy!