Quartz In Aquariums Safe? Enhancing Aesthetics and Safety

Updated 3/24/2023 Many aquarium enthusiasts wonder if it’s safe to use quartz in their aquariums. Will quartz rocks cause any issues with water parameters or harm fish? And what about other crystals? In this article, we’ll explore the safety of quartz and other crystals in aquariums, their potential benefits, and impact on water quality. Quartz … Read more

Can’t Find Nerite Snail? Where Did My Nerite Snail Go?

So you went to clean your tank or to admire your nerite snails, only to find that one of them has gone missing! A not too uncommon problem nerite owners will face on occasion, Why can’t you find your nerite snail? Where did my nerite snail go? We’ve got some possibilities below. Nerites are like … Read more

How Long Can a Nerite Snail Be Out of Water For?

Whether you’re just taking your nerite out for a walk (lol) or your nerite snail fell out of the tank, Or maybe your trying to ship a nerite snail in the mail but aren’t sure how it will do, It’s important to know how long can a nerite snail be about of the water without … Read more

Why Do Nerite Snails Poop So Much And How To Deal With It?

You ever wonder why does my nerite snail poop so much? Or maybe you’re looking to get a nerite snail and you are wondering if nerite snails poop a lot. This article will give you a brief introduction to the nerite snail pooping habits and why it’s not so bad compared to a mystery snail. … Read more

Why Do Goldfish Jump Out of Ponds? Here’s The Reason

Why do goldfish jump out of water? Isn’t it a death sentence if they land on dry land? In fact, why do goldfish even jump out of the water in the first place? Do they always go back into the pond once they land on dry land? How does that work? Why do goldfish jump … Read more

Mystery Snails Keep Dying? Here Are Some Reasons Why

Why do your mystery snails keep dying? It’s a common issue we hear about from people all over the world who are trying to keep mystery snails in their aquariums. There are a few reasons why your mystery snails might be dying, so I’ll go over them here one by one. Mystery Snails Dying? Here’s … Read more

Do Mystery Snails Eat Plants? Safe For A Planted Tank?

Do mystery snails eat plants? Are they safe for my planted tanks or will they destroy all my hard work? These are common questions people have when they decide to bring these helpful little guys into their aquarium. Mystery Snails (Pomacea bridgesii) may readily eat fish food, but in the wild, they feed on algae, … Read more

Why Are Your Mystery Snails Stuck Together? 2 Main Reasons

Why are your mystery snails stuck together? What does it mean when snails are on top of each other? There are actually several reasons for this. Knowing why they are getting stuck will help you avoid future worries and anxiety when you see it happen again in the future because it will happen, a lot. … Read more

Air Stone Alternatives You Can Use in Your Aquarium

There are several air stone alternatives you can use to get the oxygen and surface agitation you need in your aquarium. There is no shortage of reasons why someone wouldn’t want to use an airstone either, They can be loud, unsightly, and eventually break down needing to be replaced. But oxygenation and agitation are still … Read more